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Scientific Name: Lates calcarifer
Australian Standard Fish Name:  Barramundi
Australian Species Code: 37 310006
Catch Method:  Wild caught and Farmed

Other Names:
Also known as GB, USA: barramundi; Japan: akame; Indonesia: kakap; Singapore: siakap; Thai: pla kapong khao; General: Asian seabass
barra; giant perch; palmer; silver barramundi

Aquaculture Producers of Barramundi 
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Seafood Agents for Barramundi

About Barramundi
Saltwater, estuarine and freshwater. After spawning in saltwater, juvenile barramundi migrate into tidal creeks and then disperse over inundated floodplains. Farmed mainly in freshwater ponds.

The barramundi is one of Australia's most popular foodfishes. It is well known overseas and graces tables of top restaurants around the world.

Barramundi yield attractive, boned-out fillets that can be served whole or as cutlets. The large flakes provide good-sized portions and the firm texture makes it a versatile finfish to work with.

Edible parts include wings, frames, cheeks and rib offcuts. Wings are reasonably priced and are very flavoursome. The frames and heads can be used to flavour fish stock.

Barramundi can be fried, grilled, barbecued, baked, char-grilled or steamed. For excellent results, barbecue and then serve with a dressing of lemon and dill butter sauce, or add to an Asian-style stir-fry.

The barramundi feeds on crustaceans, molluscs, and smaller fishes (including its own species); juveniles feed on zooplankton. This catadromous species inhabits rivers and descends to estuaries and tidal flats to spawn. At the start of the monsoon, males migrate downriver to meet females, who lay very large numbers of eggs (multiple millions each). The adults do not guard the eggs or the fry, which require brackish water to develop. The species is sequentially hermaphroditic, most individuals maturing as males and becoming female after at least one spawning season; most of the larger specimens are therefore female.

Flavour Mild to Medium
Oiliness Low to medium
Moisture Moist
Texture Medium to Firm large flakes
Flesh Colour White
Price A medium to high priced fish


Nutrition Facts for Barramundi (Based on 100g of Raw Product)
Kilojoules n/a
Cholesterol 45 mg
Sodium n/a
Total Fat (Oil) 0.9g
Saturated Fat 43% of total fat
Monounsaturated Fat 32% of total fat
Polyunsaturated Fat 26% of total fat
Omega-3, EPA 11 mg
Omega-3, DHA 50 mg
Omega-6, AA 57 mg



Barramundi Links

  1. Barramundi photos and information

  2. Western Australian Aquaculture and Farming Information on Barramundi - Aquaculture information for Barramundi, including farming barramundi, case studies, fish health.

  3. Wikipedia information on Barramundi


Barramundi Recipes
Barramundi (Sea Bass) Recipes - How To Cook
Barramundi Recipes (Sea Bass) - From


US Food & Drug Administration:
In the past the EU has accepted and used the FDA list of approved seafood establishments for acceptance of U.S. seafood shipments. However, due to a change in EU legislation, the EU began maintaining their own Official List of approved establishments. This has resulted in two separate (and different) lists:




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