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Seafood Directory:
Companies by Fish | Seafood Species - Companies listed by the fish or seafood product that they deal in. Fish & Seafood products listed by common name.
Seafood Companies by Country - Fish & Seafood companies listed by country, full company information, contact details and products
Seafood Importers - Seafood & Fish Buyers and Importers - worldwide listings.
Seafood Exporters - Seafood & Fish Sellers and Exporters - worldwide listings.
Aquaculture Producers - Fish farms, Pisciculture, Aquaculture producers of Fish & Seafood products - worldwide listings
Seafood Processors - Seafood & Fish Processors, both At Sea processing and Shore processing companies - worldwide listings
Seafood Producers - Seafood & Fish Producers, companies that produce and manufacture seafood products, fishing boat & fleet owners.
Seafood Agents - Seafood Buyers Agents and Traders of Fish products.
Commercial Fishermen - Commercial Fishing Boat owners and Fleet Operators.
Bait Suppliers - Companies who supply Fishing Bait products to commercial fishermen and wholesale suppliers of Bait product to tackle stores.
Wholesale Seafood - Wholesale Fish suppliers and Seafood Distributors, local suppliers or in country suppliers.
Retail Seafood Suppliers - Companies who supply fish and seafood products to Retail Seafood Outlets.
Seafood Restaurants - Companies who specialise in supplying seafood and fish products to Restaurants, Hotels and Catering Establishments.
Companies who provide Services to Commercial Fishing and Seafood Industries Directory:
Aquaculture, Business, Training, Marketing consultants, Fish Processing Services, Biosecurity, Environment, Marine engineers & repairs, Customs Services, Legal, Finance, Crewing Agencies, Insurance, Testing Services, Ship provisioning, news & publications...
Companies who provide Services to Commercial Fishing and Seafood Industries Directory
Companies Listed by Country
Suppliers of Other Products to the Commercial Fishing & Seafood Industry:
Ice machines, refrigeration, fish & seafood processing equipment, packaging supplies, cleaning, fish feed, fishing tackle, marine engines parts & spares, repairs, fuel, other food products...
Companies who Supply Other Products to the Commercial Fishing & Seafood Industry
Companies listed by Country
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Seafood Industry Information Sites


Aquaculture Association of Nova Scotia
- Representing the interest of fish and shellfish farmers in Nova Scotia


Aquaculture Association of Southern Africa
- The Association has since developed into a structure with representation from the various sectors contributing towards the aquaculture industry of the region, including marine species such as oysters, mussels, abalone and prawns; freshwater species such as trout, catfish, tilapia, ornamental fishes; as well as service providers such as feed companies, equipment suppliers and veterinary services.


Sea-Ex Seafood, Fishing, Marine Directory - Information and marketing directory for fishing, angling, aquaculture, diving, boating, yachts and yachting and marine industries. Game Fishing, Sports Fishing, Fly Fishing, and diving.



Siam Canadian: Frozen seafood suppliers, exporters - Quality distributors of a wide range of seafood worldwide. shrimp, fish, cephalopods, tilapia, pangasius, rohu


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