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Ocean Fishery (Thai-Pak) Enterprises is one of the vibrant seafood exporters in Pakistan with HACCP, ISO 9001, UKAS, FDA & Halal certification. We have been contributing in the seafood industry for almost 40 years with our own 2 processing plants in heart of Karachi Fish Harbor. Ocean Fishery (Thai-Pak) Enterprises provides a wide range of seafood products including: sea white shrimps, PUD, PND, rock lobster, silver pomfret, black pomfret, lady fish, sting ray, cuttle fish, loligo squid, Indian mackerel, sole fish, croaker (silver, yellow & Tiger Tooth), eel fish, grey mullet, Indian oil sardine and many more on demand.

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See Also:  Sea-Ex Seafood & Fish Industry Contacts Greece

Seafood Greece - below find fish & seafood companies in Greece. This list shows the company name and summary of their products and activities. Greek Seafood companies listed include seafood exporters & sellers, seafood buyers & importers, fish processors, fish producers, aquaculture fish farms, seafood wholesalers & distributors, seafood buyers agents and fish traders etc. Click on the seafood company name for their full contact details, fish & sea food products and information about the company.

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Seafood Companies in Greece:

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Aegean Fish Ltd
- Processors, importers, exporters, wholesale suppliers of fresh and frozen blue crab, shrimp, langoustine, slipper lobster, mantis shrimp, ark shell, oyster, murex, limpet, mussel, venus shell, squid, cuttlefish, octopus, swordfish, flounder, tope shark, sole, brill, sardinella, horse mackerel, anchovy, goby, john dory, deal fish, ribbonfish, skate, conger eel, grey mullet, meagre, seabream, seabass, rainbow trout, carp, sturgeon, eel, Nile perch, pike, sea cucumber, king crab, scallop, flounder, European perch, pangasius basa, cod, yellowfin tuna.


Afentoulis Liveris & Co.
- Seafood Processors, sellers and exporters of Fresh and Frozen Octopus - Octopus vulgaris, Mosco Octopus - Eledone moschata, Red Shrimp - Parapenaeus longirostris, Black Shrimp - Penaeus kerathurus, Anchovy - Engraulis engrasicholus, Sardine - Clupea pilchardus, Smelt - Atherina spp., European Sea Bass - Dicentrarchus labrax, Sea Bream - Sparus aurata, Cuttlefish - Sepia officinalis, Mantis Shrimp Zavogarida - Squilla mantis.


Alf-Mare E.E.
- Producers and traders of all types of fish throughout the Greek Market and Internationally. Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), Swordfish (Xiphias gladius), Sardines (Sardina pilchardus)


Blue Crab P.C.
- A new seafood export company from Greece. Our main export products is Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) and Mussels (Mytilus Galloprovincialis). Our products could be done in any packaging frozen or live. Clams (Venus verrucosa), Sea shells Murex (Trunculus-trunculus), Sepia (Sepia officinalis), Octopus (Octopus vulgaris), Sea cucumber (Holothuroidea).


Daraktsis Mussels (North Greece)
- Mussel farm supplying Live Blue Mussels. Octopus fishermen.


Dias Aquaculture Group
- a leading Mediterranean Aquaculture species producer of gilthead sea bream, royal sea bass, sharp snout sea bream, meagre


Dim. Mante Bros. & Co Aquaculture Farms
- We are a vertically integrated aquaculture farm based in Greece that produces and markets various fish species under fully compliant and certified ISO 22000 operations. Sea Bream (Sparus Aurata), Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus Labrax), Brown Meagre (Sciaena Umbra).


Dimoudis Bros. S.A.
- The biggest mussel aquaculture in Greece, mainly exporting to Italy, Spain and France. The company is also involved in fishing and trading other seafood products. Blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) Maryland type, Mussels (Mytilus Galloprovincialis), Mussel meat, Clams (Venus verrucosa), Sea shells Murex (Trunculus-trunculus), Mussels (Modiolus barbatus)


Eurofarm SA
- Aquaculture producers, exporters, importers and wholesalers of eels (Anguilla anguilla), supplier of glass eels


Forkys Foods
- Our main export product is Blue Crabs (calinectes sapidus). Our product could be done in any packaging frozen, live or fresh.


Hellenic Fish Farming SA
- Sea Bream (Sparus auratus) & Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)


- Processors, Exporters and Wholesalers of mussel, mussel in sea bream, variety shell meat, shiny shell, cockle


Makis Korros
- Exporters of fresh and frozen fish from Greece including sardines, mackerel, black rockfish, bream, grouper, bass, octopus, squid and mussels.


Med Sea Food
- A new established company in Thessaloniki Greece but with 40 years of experience in exporting of fishery products. We are specialised in processing and packaging of Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus) Fresh or Frozen.


Mediterranean Crabs
- We produce and supply fresh and frozen blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), whole and half cut to 5 Star Hotels, gourmet restaurants, wholesalers both in Greece but also in Europe counties, Asia and Japan.


MQ Seafood
- For more than 15 years MQ Seafood is focusing on international trade of frozen seafood, including  fish, shrimps, mussels & cephalopods (squid, octopus & cuttlefish). We import, export & represent our principals on brokerage basis covering the markets of Greece, Cyprus & Balkan countries.


Olympias S.A.
- Producers, processors, exporters and wholesale suppliers of Greek frozen mussels whole shell pasteurized of the kind Mytilus Galloprovincialis, and frozen blue crab


Quaeritate Limited
- Producers, processors, exporters, importers & wholesalers of octopus flowered, cuttlefish, spot tail spiny turbot, tongue sole, Senegalese sole, squid, green lobster, captain, red seabream, Angola dentex, red pandora, red scorpion, white grouper, butterfish, goldblotch grouper, comb grouper, yellow belly grouper, white seabream, black seabream, striped seabream, kingklip


Sea World SA
- Importers, Processors, Exporters, Wholesalers and Retailers of squid, sardines, octopus, seafood mix, fillets, seabass, sea bream, cod, saithe, shrimps, red fish, mussels, salmon, lobsters, hake, light salted fish, anchovies, blue shark, crab, trout, sargo, etc


Trikalinos Co
- Since 1856, Trikalinos Family has produced and sold Grey Mullet Bottarga, which is a delicacy of cured mullet roe.


Vialco Skourtopoulos S.A.
- Producers, processors, wholesale supply and exporters of canned sardines (sardine pilchardus walbaum), salted anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus), anchovy fillets, anchovy paste, smoked mackerel fillets, smoked herring fillets, octopus.


ZELLAS Trading Company
- We are leading representatives of foreign seafood processors and fishing companies since 1978. Fresh Product: Farmed Atlantic Salmon. Frozen Products: Pelagics, Whitefish, Lightly salted Saithe and Cod fillets, Cephalopods, Mussels, Shrimps, Scampi. Value Added Products: Salted & Marinated Anchovy and Sardines, Smoked Salmon, Mackerel & Herring





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