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Gamvik Seafood AS

Contact Name Andrey Theodor
Company Position Sales Manger
Address Strandveien 63 NO-9775
Address Cont. -
City Strandveien
State Gamvik
Postal (Zip) Code 9775
Country NORWAY
Tel +4797385444
Mobile (Cell) Phone +4797385444
Fax +4797385573
Skype -
Email [email protected]

Gamvik Seafood AS is a family owned Supplier/Export company of seafoods situated in Gamvik, Norway. Gamvik is about 60 kilometers south of Oslo, the capitol of Norway. The company was established in 2003, and we have more than 15 years of experience in the international seafood business.

Gamvik Seafood AS supply live, chilled, fresh and frozen Norwegian Seafood Products such as Blue Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar), Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua), Saithe fish Coalfish (Pollachius virens), Queen scallop (Chlamys), Capelin fish (Mallotus villosus), Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber Scombrus), Atlantic Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Frozen Atlantic Herring (Clupea Harengus), Live King Crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus), Monkfish, Anglerfish, Skate (Rajidae spp), Tusk, cusk (Brosme brosme), Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Turbot (Psetta maximus), Redfish (Sebastes marinus/Sebastes), Sea Urchin, Deepwater Norwegian Prawn, Red Shrimp, Ling Fish, Live Norway Lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus), Haddock fish (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), Greenland Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), Cod Fish Maw Hake Fish, Black Tiger Shrimp, Grey mullet (Mugilidae), King fish, Stock fish, Mullet (Red fish), Dungeness Crab (Metacarcinus magister), Brown Crab, Snow Crab, Octopus, Squid and many others…..

Fresh Product:
Fresh Salmon Fish
Fresh Gutted Salmon HON
Fresh Salmon Trim B, C, D and Trim E
Fresh Lobsters
Live Whole King Crab
Live Whole Lobsters
Fresh Whole Gutted Trout Fish
Fresh Mullet Fish
Fresh Cod Skrei Fish
Fresh Cod Fish
Fresh Salmon Fillets
Fresh Cod Fillets
Fresh King Crab
Fresh Halibut
Fresh Saithe Fish
Fresh king crab and others

Frozen Product:
Atlantic Salmon fish
Atlantic Cod fish
Atlantic Mackerel
Atlantic Ling Fish
Frozen Tiger Shrimp
Frozen Scallop
Frozen Hake fish
Frozen Turbot Fish
Frozen Capelin Fish
Frozen Ling Fish
Frozen Atlantic Salmon
Frozen Cod Fish
Frozen Cod Roe
Frozen Cod Bladder
Frozen Salmon Heads
Frozen Salmon Bellies
Frozen Salmon Fillets
Frozen Salmon Backbones
Frozen Cod Fillets
Frozen Whole Lobsters
Frozen Scallop Meat
Atlantic Mullet
Frozen king crab legs with clusters
Frozen snow crabs legs
Atlantic Halibut fish
Frozen King Crab Legs

Value Added Product:
Fresh & Frozen Salmon fillet
Clean Cod Maw (Cod Swim Bladder)
Clean Cod Heads
Frozen Salmon Bellies
Frozen Salmon Heads 400gram and plus
Frozen Gutted Salmon HON
Fresh and Frozen Cod Fillet
Clean Frozen Cod Roe
Clean Cod Backbones / Cod Fish Maw
Cooked King Crab Legs & Clusters
Cooked Frozen Lobster Tails

Brand Names:
Seafood from Norway

Global GAP






Trading Safety - Unfortunately, there are people who are dishonest and internet scams abound. While Sea-Ex & Trade-Seafood endeavour to check the company details that are listed, we recommend the following precautions are taken when dealing with a company:

  • Ask the business you plan to trade with for business references and CHECK THE REFERENCES.
  • Use a payment method that offers better protection for all such as Letters of credit and VERIFIED professional escrow services. Avoid payments in advance such as money transfers. Be wary if the seller only accepts wire transfers or cash.
  • Do a search of the company on the internet using the company website address, their business name, phone and fax numbers, and the email addresses provided to see if you can find any feedback about the company.
  • Ensure you understand all terms and conditions of any agreement, including SHIPPING CHARGES.

Learn more about scams to avoid or to make a complaint about a scam or fraud see: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Internet Crime Complaint Center

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