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Vivapesca Import-Export SL

Contact Name Francisco Manuel Rodríguez Díaz
Company Position Director of sales and purchases
Address Carretera de Viella nº6
Address Cont. -
City Siero
State Asturias
Postal (Zip) Code 33429
Country SPAIN
Tel +34 98 403 3903
Mobile (Cell) Phone -
Fax -
Skype franciscovivapesca
Email [email protected]
Vivapesca Import-Export SL is a company engaged principally in the export of fish, shellfish and cephalopods of northern Spain, buy fresh fish directly at the port and freeze it in our own factory. Species that are mainly freeze Mackerel (Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus), Horse Mackerel (Trachurus Trachurus), Bogue (Boops boops), Sardine (Sardina pilchardus), Hake (Merluccius Merluccius), Anchovy, Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Octopus (Octopus vulgaris), white Octopus (Eledone cirrosa ),... . Vivapesca Import-Export SL also imported fish, shellfish and cephalopods from around the world to sell to wholesalers in Europe, mainly imported from South Africa squid, squid ring, shortfin squid, prawns, shrimp, pangasius, ....

Fresh Product:
Verdel Scomber Scombrus Mackerel
Sardina Sardina pilchardus European Pilchard, Sardine
Jurel Trachurus Trachurus Atlantic Horse Mackerel
Caballa Scomber Japonicus Mackerel
Bonito del Norte Thunnus Alelunga Albacore
Atún Thunus Albacores Tuna
Merluza Merluccius merluccius European Hake
Congrio Conger conger European Conger
Trucha Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus Mykiss
Palometa roja Beryx Decadactylus Red Bream
Palometa negra Brama Brama Atlantic Pomfret
Rape blanco Lophius piscatorius Angler
Salmonete Upeneus spp Red Mullet
Mero Epinephlus Guaza Grouper
Maruca (Congria) Molva molva Ling
Marrajo Isurus Oxirinchus Shortfin Mako
Faneca Trisopterus luscus Pouting
Chopa Spondyliosoma cantharus White Seabream
Cazon Elasmobranchii Tope Shark
Cabra Helicolemus Decty Blackbelly rockfish / Comber
Besugo Pagellus bogaraveo Black spot seabream
Barbada Gaidropsarus biscayensis Fork beard
Bacalada Micromesistius poutassou Blue Whiting

Frozen Product:
Mackerel (Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus), Horse Mackerel (Trachurus Trachurus), Bogue (Boops boops), Sardine (Sardina pilchardus), Hake (Merluccius Merluccius), Anchovy, Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Octopus (Octopus vulgaris), white Octopus (Eledone cirrosa ),...




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  • Ask the business you plan to trade with for business references and CHECK THE REFERENCES.
  • Use a payment method that offers better protection for all such as Letters of credit and VERIFIED professional escrow services. Avoid payments in advance such as money transfers. Be wary if the seller only accepts wire transfers or cash.
  • Do a search of the company on the internet using the company website address, their business name, phone and fax numbers, and the email addresses provided to see if you can find any feedback about the company.
  • Ensure you understand all terms and conditions of any agreement, including SHIPPING CHARGES.

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Siam Canadian: Frozen seafood suppliers, exporters - Quality distributors of a wide range of seafood worldwide. shrimp, fish, cephalopods, tilapia, pangasius, rohu


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