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Mussel Sellers & Shellfish Exporters of Greenlip Mussel - New Zealand Mussels - Asian Green Mussel
Scientific Names: Perna viridis, Perna canalicula

Processors of Greenlip Mussels  |  Exporters of Greenlip Mussels  |  Importers of Greenlip Mussels  |  Wholesale Suppliers of Greenlip Mussels  |  Agents for Greenlip Mussels

See Also:  Blue MusselsGallo Mussels,   Mussels


Siam Canadian Foods Co. Ltd
- Frozen Seafood (Shrimp, Cephalopods, Fish and Value Added products) Alaska Pollock, Bream, Catfish, Clam, Cockle, Cod, Conger Eel, Crab, Crab Claws, Crawfish, Cuttlefish, Eel, Flounder, Baby Clam, Grouper, Haddock, Hake Halibut, Hoki,  Horse Mackerel, Kingfish, Lobster, Lobster Tail, Mackerel, Mahi mahi, Marlin, Milkfish, Monkfish, Mullet, Mussel, Mussels - blue and green shell, Nile Perch, Ocean perch, Octopus, Oilfish, Oyster, Pangasius (Basa), Parrot Fish, Perch, Pollock, Saithe, Pomfret, Porgy, Prawn, Rainbow Trout, Redfish, Ribbonfish, Rock Lobster, Salmon, Salmon Roe, Salmon trout, Salmon Atlantic, Salmon Pacific, Salted dried fish, Sardine, Scallop, Scampi, Surimi, Surimi-base, Swordfish, Tilapia, Shark, Shell, Shrimp, Shrimp warm water, Slipper lobster tails, Snapper, Sole, Squid , Trevally, Trout, Tuna, Tuna albacore, Tuna bigeye, Tuna bluefin, Tuna bonito, Tuna yellow, Whiting, Sushi, Barramundi, Pangasius, Yellow Fin Sole, Cod, Redfish, Japanese Flying Squid, Bartrami Squid, Red Mullet, Red Snapper, Vannamei White Shrimp, Black Tiger Shrimp, Cephalopods, Cuttlefish, Giant Octopus, Baby Octopus, Seawater & Freshwater Shrimp, Shell Fish, Crab, Frog Legs, Pasteurized Crab Meat, Seafood Mix, Rohu, Hilsa, Mrigal, Boal, Ayer, Catla, Red Porgy, Indian Mackerel, Hake, Illex Squid, Croaker, Scomber Mackerel.


Bell Global Ltd
- Exporting Premium New Zealand Seafood - Alfonsino, barracouta, cardinal fish, smooth oreo dory, black oreo dory, blue cod, blue mackerel, jack mackerel, horse mackerel, silver warehou, blue warehou, southern blue whiting, rays bream, red bait fish, red pearl fish, red cod, john dory, mirror dory, frostfish, NZ Greenshell mussels, gemfish, monkfish, stargazer, groper, gurnard, hake, hoki, kahawai, salmon, ling, sole, orange roughy, sea perch, snapper, ribaldo, ruby fish, tarakihi (ocean bream), trevally, turbot, arrow squid, squid, cockle, Pacific oysters, bluff oysters, oysters, paua, abalone, scallop, paddle crab, lobster, scampi, sea urchin (kina).



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Companies who sell Green Mussels:

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ZELLAS Trading Company
- We are leading representatives of foreign seafood processors and fishing companies since 1978. Fresh Product: Farmed Atlantic Salmon. Frozen Products: Pelagics, Whitefish, Lightly salted Saithe and Cod fillets, Cephalopods, Mussels, Shrimps, Scampi. Value Added Products: Salted & Marinated Anchovy and Sardines, Smoked Salmon, Mackerel & Herring


Afrimar Senegal
- Producers, processors and exporters of Albacore, Thiof, ribbonfish, loligo squid, octopus vulgaris, sepia officinalis, tilapia, croaker, hake, mackerel, horse mackerel, pangasius, black tilapia, red tilapia, red porgy, trevally, herring, catfish, milkfish and Greenshell mussel.


NZ Sparkling Seas Ltd
- Exporters and wholesale suppliers of Green Shell Mussels from New Zealand. Available 1 kg box, Bulk packed 14 kg master carton or our new 2 Shell fully blanched.


AN Seafoods
- Processors and exporters of Lobster, Black Tiger, Cephalopod and Seawater Fish, All kind of clams, Babylonia (baigai), Razor clam, Hard clam, Green Mussel, Ark shell, Star shell & all kind of seafood.


Samathma Enterprises
- Aquaculture producers and exporters of green mussel and clam meat.


Butterworth Global (Melbourne)
- We import & export a vast variety of seafood for value adding, further processing, the professional and amateur fishing sectors. Live Mud Crab, Frozen kingfish, Spanish mackerel, barracuda, sail fish, mahi mahi, Indian mackerel, horse, chub, Pacific and Atlantic mackerel, silver, Chinese & black pomfret, yellow tail scad, yellow tail & black trevally, Indian oil sardine, red snapper, red sea bream, Japanese thread fin bream, tongue sole, white, yellow and corvina croaker, blue swimming & three spotted crab, white, tiger, vannamei shrimp, rock & slipper lobster, shark, abalone, top shell, baby clam meat, green mussels and oyster meat.


FSG Middle East LLC
- Middle eastern wing of Nordic Seafood, it mainly focus on Seafood Products to Middle Eastern & GCC sector. Fresh salmon, fresh sashimi grade tuna loin, Nile perch, Nile perch, scallops, half-shell NZ mussels, cream dory, seabass, barramundi, lobster, octopus, milkfish, tilapia, kingfish, breaded fish fillet, Gravlax, crabstick, smoked salmon pre-sliced.


Omega Seafood
- Omega Seafood produce gourmet vacuum packed long life New Zealand Green Lipped Mussels and Clams. Cooked gourmet product. Ready to heat and eat. Omega 500g Mussels, Omega 1kg Greenshell Mussels, Omega 1kg Littleneck Clams. Taking what nature has given us, our primary aim is to create all natural, lightly cooked shellfish which can be eaten straight from the pack or used anywhere live would normally be used. We take nature and make it safer and more convenient! Without additives and full of innate flavour, our mussels and clams provide the presentation and preparation options of fresh shellfish, without the time, wastage and food safety concerns. Our products enjoy a 12 month chilled shelf life chilled (mussels keep 24 months frozen). Note that Omega Seafood Mussels and Clams come from sustainably managed brood stocks.


Mo. Bonifacia Rodriguez Foundation, Inc
- We are producing export quality seafoods products and highly endorsed by Department of Trade and Industry and Department Of Labor and Employment as OTOP. Crispy Squid Heads, Crispy Squid Rings, Fresh Squid and Green Mussels.


M/s. Carlo and Khan
- Seafood Agents, Exporters, Producers, Processors of Shrimps (White, Pink/Brown) H-Less, H-On and PUD, Slipper/Sand Lobster, Top Shell (Baigai), Sting Rays, Silver/White Pomfret, Black Pomfret, Reef Cod (Red Banded Grouper), Leatherskin, Cat Fish, Indian Halibut, Bombay Duck, Jelly Fish, Sea Cucumber, Black Conger Eel, Japanese Thread Fin Bream, Ribbon Fish, Sole Fish, Croakers, Cephalopods, Sardine, Blue Crab, Three Spotted Crab, Grey Mullet, Red Snapper, Lady Fish, Trevally, Indian Mackerel Fish, Jack Knife /Razor Clam, Baby/Yellow Clam, Blood Clam, Green Lipped Mussels, and many more Sea Shells.


Seafood World International
- A processing and import-export company, products are Loligo squid, cuttlefish, octopus, jellyfish, ribbon fish, silver croaker, reef cod, grouper, silver pomfret, conger eel, red snapper, leather jacket fish, emperor, cat fish, Indian mackerel, sardines, sole, red sea bream, razor clams, top shell and green mussels.


L&B Taspac
- Suppliers of Fresh Greenshell Mussel (Perna Canaliculus), New Zealand Rock Lobster (Jasus Edwardsii), Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea Gigas), Eel (Anguilla Dieffenbachii/Australis), Frozen Arrow Squid (Nototodarus Sloanii), Barracouta (Thyrsites Atun), Blue Mackerel (Scomber Australasicus), Hake (Merluccius Australis), Hoki (Macruronus Novaezelandiae), Jack Mackerel (Trachurus Declivis/Murphyi), Ling (Genypterus Blacodes), Orange Roughy (Hoplostethus Atlanticus), Red Cod (Pseudophycis Bachus), Silver Warehou (Seriolella Punctata), Southern Blue Whiting (Micromesistius Australis), Brill (Colistium Guntheri), King Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha), Monkfish (Kathetostoma Giganteum), Pilchard (Sardinops Neopilchardus), Smooth Oreo Dory (Pseudocyttus Maculatus), Snapper (Pagrus Auratus), Trevally (Pseudocaranx Dentex), Turbot (Colistium Nudipinnis)


Labuan Food Industries Sdn Bhd   
- We are a seafood importer, seafood processor and seafood exporter for frozen seafood. Tuna products - Loin, Saku, Steak, Ground Meat, Mince Meat. Fish - Spotted sardine, muroaji, codfish, salmon, butterfish, tilapia, mahi-mahi, marlin, swordfish, mackerel, Eel. Cephalopods - Squid, Cuttlefish, baby octopus, octopus. Crustaceans - Half shell oyster, half shell scallop, scallop meats, oyster meats, green mussels, baby clam, clam meats, lobster, crab. Value Added - Shrimp spring roll, tuna burger meat, breaded fish, breaded squid, breaded squid rings


Karikkassery Holdings
- We mainly operate as agents for local exporters of frozen seafood such as Squid, Cuttlefish, octopus, Indian Mackerel, Sardine, Ribbonfish, Shrimp, Tuna, Green Mussel, White Snapper, Reef Cod, Leather Jacket, baigai, Clams


Mackay Reef Fish Supplies / Mackay Reef Export
- We are fishermen, processors, wholesalers and retailers of the finest North Australian seafood. Coral trout, red throat emperor, reef cod, mackerel, mixed reef fillets, cod, prawns, Moreton bay bugs, sand crab, mud crab, spanner crab, gold band snapper, rosy job fish, barramundi, Spanish mackerel, redclaw crayfish....


A.A. Zee Foods
- Processors and exporters of Lobster, Black Tiger, Cephalopod and Seawater Fish, All kind of clams, Babylonia (baigai), Razor clam, Hard clam, Green Mussel, Ark shell, Star shell & all kid of sea shell


Pearl Coast Marine Foods
- Seafood agents and exporters of prawns, shrimp, mud crab, sea crab, cuttlefish, loligo squid, octopus, green mussels, clam, pomfret, Indian mackerel, seer fish, yellowfin tuna, snapper, reef cod, tilapia, croaker, scad, horse mackerel, ribbon fish, Indian oil sardine, pearl spot.


Setraco NV
- We are both producer and importer of frozen seafood. Import of shrimps, fish fillets, molluscs and crustaceans. Prepared Foods: all value added food - ready and semi-ready meals. Industrial Applications: semi-finished products - cooked, marinated salmon, fish rolls, cooked fish in bags. Our own brands are Ocean Pride, Laguna, Amphora, Orient Pride and of course we also offer private labels.


Silver Marine Seafood
- Seafood processors, exporters and traders of fresh, frozen, live and salted products from Pakistan and the Arabian Sea. Crab, lobster, clam, oyster, ribbonfish, mackerel, catfish, trevally, grouper, mahi mahi, sea bream, sole, tuna, prawn, shrimp, mussels....


Subland OÜ
- We are looking for Black cod, Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria), Chilean seabass, Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), squid tubes, squid rings, whole cuttlefish, oilfish, mussel meat, half shell mussel, New-Zealand green mussel, Vannamei shrimp, Black tiger shrimp, flower shaped baby octopus.


Millennium Catcher
- Seafood supplier of ribbonfish, sole, cuttlefish, loligo squid, reef cod, sardine, ladyfish, croakers, conger eel, mullet, crab, salted jellyfish, clam, mussels, topshell and shrimps.


Xiamen Taiseng Seafoods Co., Ltd
- We supply frozen fish and seafoods, such as Tilapia, Tilapia Fillet, Yellow Croaker, Golden Pompano, Squid Tube, Ring, Round Scad, Pacific Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, Sardine, Seabass, Red Drum, Frog Legs, Green Mussels, Flying fish Roe and Capelin Roe, etc


Fa-Asia Marine Ltd
- We are Exporters, importers, wholesalers and agents of Tuna, Cuttlefish, Greenland Halibut, Ribbonfish, Octopus, Illex Squid, Giant Squid, Red Snapper, Black Tiger Shrimp, Vannamei, Pomfret, Cod, Wahoo, Swordfish, Butterfish, Top Shell, Razor Clam, Green Mussel, Yellow Croaker, Salmon, Tilapia, Blue Shark, Scallop, Lobster Crab.


Devika Seafoods
- Suppliers of frozen seafood shrimps, cephalopods, fish and value added products, pollock, clam, cod, eel, horse mackerel, mussels, Nile perch, oyster, redfish, salmon, swordfish, tilapia, shark, shrimp..


Astola Fisheries
- We are processor and exporters in different kinds of fresh and frozen seafood, like Indian mackerel, Ribbon fish, white pomfret, king fish, tuna fish, Sole, fish, cuttle fish, sardine fish, hilsa fish, reef cod, croaker, silver croaker, yellow croaker, TT croaker, lobsters, crabs, shrimps and many kinds of shells. Like top shell, Razor clams.


Yernimamba Seafoods
- We are suppliers of all kinds of seafoods like Frozen Seafood (Shrimp, Cephalopods, Fish and Value Added products) Alaska Pollock, Bream, Catfish, Clam, Cockle, Cod, Conger Eel, Crab, Crab Claws, Crawfish, Cuttlefish, Eel, Flounder, Baby Clam, Grouper, Haddock, Hake Halibut, Hoki, Horse Mackerel, Kingfish, Lobster


Meridian Intl. Exporters
- Vessel owners, processors, exporters, wholesalers and aquaculture of mussels, tilapia, fresh chilled yellowfin tuna, big eye tuna sashimi grade, swordfish, marlin, milk fish, canned tuna and milkfish.


Jeewani Fisheries
- We Deal in wide range of Fish, Shrimps, Crabs, Shellfish, Clams. And we can deliver good quality seafood to our customers in all form like Live, Fresh/Chilled, Frozen, Steamed Frozen.


CV Baruna Samudera Jaya
- Processors and exporters of milkfish, muroaji, cuttlefish, ribbonfish, yellow conger eel, octopus, sardine, threadfin bream, red snapper, big eye snapper, silver biddy fish, fusilier fish, squid, octopus, cooked baby clam meat, cooked arkshell meat, cooked green mussel meat, seaweed, dried crab shell


Jagalchi Korea Corp
- Export, import and international trade, seafood inspection agency for all kinds of seafood. Frozen Seafood, Kingfish, Lobster, Lobster Tail, Mackerel, Mahi mahi, Marlin, Milkfish, Monkfish, Mullet, Mussel, Mussels - blue and green shell, Nile Perch, Ocean perch, Octopus, Oilfish, Oyster, Pangasius (Basa), Parrot Fish, Perch, Pollock, Saithe, Pomfret, Porgy, Prawn, Rainbow Trout, Redfish, Ribbonfish, Rock Lobster, Salmon...


Orchid Marine
- Processors and exporters of Shrimps, Yellow Fin Tuna, Skipjack Tuna, Yellow Clam, Grey Clam, Bagai, Green Mussel, Shark, Sardine, Tiger Prawn, Crab, Leather Jacket, Mahi Mahi, Snapper and many more


Silver Seafood
- a processor and exporters of Fresh / Frozen / Live & Salted seafood such as white shrimp, black tiger shrimp, lobster, eel, squid, croaker, pomfret, tuna, queen fish, lizard fish, mullet, crabs, sole, cod, grouper, catfish, clams...


- squid, cuttlefish, octopus, clams, baigai, sardine, mackerel, crab, shrimps, tuna, reef cod, kingfish, green mussel, Ribbonfish, snapper, emperor, Japanese threadfin, tilapia, pearl spot etc


PT. Glorious Arika Family (PT. GAF)
- Exporters, wholesalers, agents and retailers of Marine products: Black Pomfret, Chicken fish, Green Mussel, Milkfish, Red Snapper, Sea Crab, Squid


Aqua Fresh Seafood
- Processors, exporters and wholesale suppliers. We are one of the experience seafood export company in Pakistan, we deal in all kind of Fish, Shrimps, Crabs, and Shellfish of Pakistan Origin.


Colonel Seafood Pvt Ltd
- The only seafood freezing processing and canning plant in Pakistan approved and registered with NFI Thailand and FDA USA. we supply all kind of clam and shell meat extracted through proper technical methods after steaming in chambers. We also supply Sardine and mackerel in tomato and brine in round and tall cans


Hunza Fisheries
- We are one of the leading exporters of Fresh Frozen Sea Food Company in Pakistan; we deal in all kind of Fresh Frozen Sea Food from Pakistan like Fish, Shrimps, Crabs, and Shellfish of Pakistan Origin. Indian Mackerel, Horse Mackerel, Emperor, Snapper, White Pomfret, Black Pomfret, Chinese Pomfret, Red Grouper, Brown Spotted Grouper, Tiger Grouper, White Grouper, Black Grouper, Sea Bream, Thread fin Bream, Round Sole...


Khan Brother
- Exporters of fresh and frozen shrimp, lobster, slipper lobster, king fish, pomfret, grouper, live razor clams, salted jelly fish, green mussels and hard clams.


Highford Marketing Group Limited
- Exporters, Agents of fresh and frozen seafood, mussels, oysters, alfonsino, bluenose, brill, cod, dory, fish maw, hake, hoki, kahawai, orange roughy, mullet, mackerel, abalone, pilchard, lobster, roe, salmon, scallops, shark, whiting, sole, tuna, warehou...


Siam Canadian: Frozen seafood suppliers, exporters - Quality distributors of a wide range of seafood worldwide. shrimp, fish, cephalopods, tilapia, pangasius, rohu


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