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Seafood Buyers Agents & Shellfish Traders of Arkshell | Ark Clam
Scientific Name: Andara antiquata. Akagai

Exporters of Ark Shell  |  Importers of Ark Shell  |  Processors of Ark Shell  |
Wholesale Suppliers of Ark Shell  |  Seafood Agents for Ark Shell

See Also:  Clams


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Companies who are buyers agents of Arkshell:

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- We collect and trade in various seashells. We cooperate with about 15 divers and 3 fishing ships. oysters (Ostrea edulis) ,sea urchins (paracentrotus lividus), winkles (Littorina littorea), sea figs (microcosmus sabatieri), venus verrucosa, tapes semidecussatus, murex brandaris, callista chiona, arca noae


Gia Minh Foods Co. Ltd
- A fresh chilled and frozen seafood processor, exporter, importer and trader in Pangasius, clam, arkshell, scallop, black tiger, vannamei, scampi, cat tiger, pink shrimp, lobster, squid, cuttlefish, octopus, tuna, skipjack tuna, mahi mahi, marlin, swordfish, oilfish, red snapper, parrotfish, emperor, red mullet, grouper, ribbonfish, Indian mackerel, round scad, mixed seafoods, surimi crab stick.


Millennium Catcher
- Seafood supplier of ribbonfish, sole, cuttlefish, loligo squid, reef cod, sardine, ladyfish, croakers, conger eel, mullet, crab, salted jellyfish, clam, mussels, topshell and shrimps.


Bien Viet Co., Ltd
- Processors and exporters of baby octopus, poulp squid, sting ray, skate, ribbonfish, Vannamei shrimp, black tiger shrimp, sand lobster shrimp, rock lobster, white slam, yellow clam, arkshell, squid


Anh Minh Seafood
- Processors and exporters of seafood products. Farm and sea-caught shrimps and fish including Black Tiger Shrimp, Vannamei Shrimp, Vietnamese white/pink shrimp, slipper lobster, cattiger shrimp, sea pink shrimp, farmed pangasius, barramundi, tilapia, snakehead, sea caught Indian mackerel, yellowtail scad, yellow stripe trevally, leather jacket, black pomfret, red mullet, ribbonfish, moonfish, mahi mahi, marlin, oilfish, swordfish, yellowfin tuna, wahoo, cephalopods, cuttlefish, octopus, loligo squid, bamboo clam, white clam, yellow clam, arkshell, dried baby krill, dried shrimp, dried fish maw, dried squid, seafood mix, live mud crab, soft shell crab and value added products.


VN Seafood Solutions Corp.
- A trading company in seafood export and consultant. We supply Pangasius, clam, octopus, ark shell, leather jacket


Vifoods Co. Ltd
- Processor and exporter of Cuttlefish, squid, octopus, clams, arkshell meat, Barramundi, Red mullet, fresh water fish, seafood mix, tuna, marlin, Mahi-mahi, seafood mix, pangasius, value added products


- OFCO offers inspection and consulting services on seafood in Vietnam since 2007. We are a 100% foreign owned company in Vietnam and more than just providing inspection services, our objective is to support our regular customers on their seafood purchase from Vietnam. Our advice helps to obtain the best possible deal and our inspection secure the purchase. Contact OFCO for your seafood purchase from Vietnam! Your inspections will be carried out by multinational teams of highly trained and professional inspectors following international standards. OFCO Market intelligence, advices and forecast will always keep you one step ahead and help you to develop new and better strategies for your business.



Siam Canadian: Frozen seafood suppliers, exporters - Quality distributors of a wide range of seafood worldwide. shrimp, fish, cephalopods, tilapia, pangasius, rohu


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