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Fish Producers & Seafood Processors of Coral Trout | Coral Grouper
Scientific Names: Plectropomus sp., Plectropomus leopardus, Plectropomus maculatus

Exporters of Coral Trout  |  Importers of Coral Trout  |  Processors of Coral Trout  |  Wholesale Suppliers of Coral Trout  |  Agents for Coral Trout

See Also: REEF COD,  GrouperTrout,   Sea Trout


Ocean Exports Pty Ltd
- Producers, processors, exporters and wholesale suppliers of fresh chilled and frozen Eastern King Prawn, Ocean King Prawn (Penaeus plebejus), Western King Prawn (Melicertus latisulcatus), Red Spot King Prawn (Penaeus longistylus), Endeavour Prawn (Penaeus endeavouri), Banana Prawns (Penaeus indicus & Penaeus merguiensis), Raw Queensland Scallop Meat Without Roe (Amusium balloti), 1/2 shell Scallop (Amusium balloti), Vacuum Packed Scallop Meat (Amusium balloti), Coral Trout (Plectropomus maculates and Variola species), Gold Band Snapper (Pristipomoides multidens), Flame, Snapper (Etelis coruscans), Barramundi Cod (Cromileptes altivelis), Whiting (Sillago species), Blue Swimmer Crabs (Portunus pelagicus), Mud Crabs (Scylla serrata), Moreton Bay Lobster (Thenus orientalis), Spanner Crabs (Ranina ranina)



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Companies who process Coral Trout:

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TC International Seafoods Provider Inc.
- Our company is primarily engaged in the business of manufacturing, import and export of Fresh Frozen Marine products. We are actively trading in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, USA and Canada. Ribbon/Hairtail (Trachipterus Lepturus), Leather Jacket Fish (Aluterus Monoceros), Swallow Tail Grouper (Variola Louti), Red Coral Grouper (Plectropomus Leopardus), Black Tip Grouper (Epinephelus Fasciatus), Dorado | Mahi Mahi (Coryphaena Hippurus) Parrot Fish (Scarus Spp.), Silver Whiting (Sillago Sihama), Cuttlefish (Sepia spp.), Oilfish (Lepidocybium Flavobrunneum / Ruvettus Pretiosus), Octopus (Octopus Vulgaris), Fresh Water Shrimp (Macrobrachium Jaroense), Soft Squid/Bigfin Reef Squid (Sepioteuthis Lessoniana), Giant Squid (Architeuthis), Nylon Shell Meat, Bay Scallops, Golden Scallops


Oceana Fisheries Co. Ltd
- The oldest internationally known fishery in the Seychelles being in operation since 1980. Processors & exporters of Humphead Snapper, Emperor Red Snapper, Moon tail Seabass, Banded Grouper, Black-Saddled Coral-Trout, Brown spotted Grouper, Marbled Grouper, Ruby Snapper, Green Jobfish, White blotched Grouper, Red banded Grouper, Tomato Hind, Blue lined Large-Eyed Bream, Spangled Emperor, Mahi-Mahi, Trevally, Parrot Fish, Two-Spotted Snapper, Rainbow Runner, King Fish, Yellowfin Tuna, Shark, Marlin, Sword Fish, Spanner Crab, Octopus, Smoked Yellowfin Tuna, Smoked Marlin, Smoked King Fish, Smoked Sword fish, Breaded products, fish burgers, fish balls.


Bennett & Yap Distribution Limited
- We part own a factory in Senegal and have been bringing our fish to the Hong Kong and China markets. Fresh fish and live lobsters, frozen seafood, such as ribbon fish, octopus vulgaris, tongue sole, fresh coral trout, red scorpion fish, dentex, grouper, sea bass, sea bream, croaker, topshell, live brown crab from UK.


Ocean Paradise Marine Products Sdn. Bhd
- Processor, importer, exporter for fresh and frozen seafood products, mainly frozen seafood. Ribbon Fish, Belt Fish, Hairtail, Cuttlefish, Octopus, Baby Octopus, Giant Octopus, Squid, Loligo Squid, Siboga Squid, White Prawn, Sea Tiger, Flower Prawn, Bamboo Prawn, Vannamei Shrimp, Whiteleg Shrimp, Black Tiger Prawn, Pink Shrimp, Stingray, Croaker Fish, Bigeye Scad, Black Pomfret, White Pomfret, Silver Pomfret, Chinese Pomfret, Threadfin Bream


Atoll Direct Pvt. Ltd.
- Fishery business in Maldives supplying fresh and frozen reef fish, coral trout and grouper fishes.


Mas Bloom Enterprise
- We are one of the biggest fresh chilled fish importers in Taiwan - King Fish, Grouper, Pomfret, Coral Trout, Moon Tail, Tiger Trout


CV Sumber Cahaya Laut
- HACCP Producers, Processors and Exporters of sardine, blue shark, Octopus, Squid, Cuttlefish, Coral fishes - snapper, grouper, job fish, emperor, sea bream, coral trout, threadfin bream, mahi-mahi, oilfish, swordfish, tuna, sailfish, fresh water catfish clarias, tilapia, eel fish, etc.


Allied Seafood LLC
- Processor , Exporter of Yellow fin , Skip jack Tuna , Live and Chilled Grouper , All kind of Reef fish and dry Sea cucumber from the Clear Waters of the Maldives


Oriental Exports Private Limited
- We are a supplier and distributor for dried sea cucumber, yellowfin tuna (frozen, fresh & chilled), Grouper (Live, fresh & chilled), Skipjack (fresh, frozen), Mackerel (Fresh, frozen), snapper, trevally, emperor


Maria Aquacon Pvt Ltd
- We are seafood processors and exporters since 1993. We have our own EU approved factory and our own fishing boats.


Richmond Oysters
- Richmond Oysters is one of Melbourne’s major wholesalers and distributors of fresh and frozen seafood together with a large variety of general fresh and frozen foods. Barramundi, snapper, blue eel, grenadier, bream, butterfish, coral trout, flathead, gemfish, gummy shark, harpuka, dory, whiting, snapper, kingfish, marron, marlin, trout, mullet, mackerel, swordfish....


Mackay Reef Fish Supplies / Mackay Reef Export
- We are fishermen, processors, wholesalers and retailers of the finest North Australian seafood. Coral trout, red throat emperor, reef cod, mackerel, mixed reef fillets, cod, prawns, Moreton bay bugs, sand crab, mud crab, spanner crab, gold band snapper, rosy job fish, barramundi, Spanish mackerel, redclaw crayfish....


Bin Auf
Exporter, Importer, Seafood Trader. Our products : dried sea cucumber, abalone, mackerel scad decapterus, coral trout, dried squid, yellowfin tuna. We have the capability to supply small / large quantity.


Zangi Fisheries
- Import, export, producers and processors of prawns, crab, bugs, emperor, reef fish, cod, snapper, mackerel, trevally, tuna, mullet and all shrimps


Kimberley Wildcatch
- Fishing vessel operators and wholesalers of tropical reef fish including red emperor, goldband snapper, Rankin cod, spangled emperor, mixed reef fish, coral trout and scarlet perch.


Urangan Fisheries
- Eastern king prawn, brown tiger prawn, endeavour prawn, red spot king prawn, banana prawn, Queensland scallops (Amusium ballotti) Moreton bay bugs (Thenus orientalis), blue swimmer crab (Portunus pelagicus), mud crab (Scylla serrata), spanner crab (Ranina ranina), reef fish, Coral Trout, Red Throat Emperor, various Cod species, Snapper, Red Emperor, Spanish Mackerel, Sand Whiting, School mackerel, Spotted mackerel, Grey Mackerel, Silver Bream, Reef Shark, Trevally, Tuna, Mullet.


Maldives Quality Seafood Pvt Ltd
- EU Approved Fishermen, Producers, Processors and Exporters of grouper, coral trout, red snapper, green job fish, trevally, rainbow runner, barracuda, yellow fin tuna, wahoo, sailfish.


Inma Seafood Pvt Ltd
- We are specialized in Fresh Tuna, Sword Fish, Marlin and Reef Fishes like Grouper, Snapper, Trivially, Coral Trout's , Emperor etc... from Sri Lanka and Maldives Our products like Tuna, Swordfish and  Marlin are exported to European Counties like  UK, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden and USA, The Different type of Reef fishes like Grouper and Snappers are exported Fresh Chilled  to Taiwan and live to Hong Kong and China.


Siam Canadian: Frozen seafood suppliers, exporters - Quality distributors of a wide range of seafood worldwide. shrimp, fish, cephalopods, tilapia, pangasius, rohu


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